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Salt Therapy (Halotherapy)


What is it?


Halotherapy (salt therapy) is an all-natural, drug-free therapy that takes place in an environment especially designed to recreate the atmosphere in a natural salt cave.
Using the very latest in halo-generator technology, micro particles of dry, drug free, medical grade salt are released into the environment then monitored and carefully controlled to maintain the optimum level of salt in the room or stable.
The salt used has natural antiseptic, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory properties which when inhaled, can help to keep in check symptoms of various skin and respiratory disorders.

The key factor of the halotherapy method is a dry aerosol of high dispersion. The use of dry high dispersion aerosol in halo chamber creates an environment in which there are no harmful microorganisms and allergens.

Because of grinding the salt particles by halogenerators, the salt particles receive a negative charge and high surface energy due to a strong mechanical impact. Interaction with the air molecules results in air ionisation. Negative (light) ions have an added therapeutic effect on the body elements.



Scientific research has found that Dry Salt Therapy benefits adults and children alike as well as athletes horses, dogs and cats. 


  • treatment of pathologies of lungs, respiratory tract, and skin as well as disease prevention;

  • respiratory tract hygiene;

  • prevention of viral infectious diseases and colds;

  • treatment and prevention of skin diseases;

  • tension and stress relief.

  • Skin conditions including itchy skin, dry skin etc.

  • Treatment and prevention of ear infections

  • Feline bronchial asthma

  • Anti Inflammatory

  • provide relief from the symptoms of respiratory diseases such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, bronchitis, pneumonia, sinusitis, and pharyngitis

  • provide relief from the symptoms of respiratory allergies, such as hay fever, allergic rhinitis, and others;

  • prevention and treatment of acute viral respiratory infections;

  • cleansing the respiratory tract from atmospheric pollution, tobacco smoke; preventive hygiene;

  • prevention and treatment of skin diseases - acne, eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis, and others;

  • harmonisation of the vegetative nervous system;

  • strengthening of the immune system;

  • improving mental and emotional state.

  • increases the reparative and regenerative processes in the derma, leading to an increase in skin rigidity, (anti-ageing) and improved hair health

  • reduce snoring

  • give you a sense of over all well-being

  • relief from headaches

  • Thins and helps clear mucus – salt is a natural decongestant

  • Increases stamina from better cardio vascular efficiency

  • feline infectious respiratory disease

  • feline bronchial asthma

  • pneumonia secondary to feline and canine

  • respiratory viral infections 

  • ringworm in felines and canines

  • feline eosinophilic granuloma 

  • complex chronic sinusitis in felines and canines


And much, much more.


A brief history of Halotherapy 

It was the ‘father of western medicine’ Hippocrates (460BC – 370BC) who promoted the healing benefits of salt inhalation and for centuries salt has been used widely for healing internally and externally.

Modern dry salt therapy has its origins from the salt mines and caves in Europe. As the workers were mining the salt, micro-sized salt particles were being disbursed into the air. In this environment, miners were receiving many natural health benefits by breathing in the salt particles. Considering that mining jobs were usually recognised as dangerous to life and health, salt miners seemed to thrive on good health.

Doctors have been studying the effects of this phenomena since 1839, as a result of their studies many went on to open health spas and even a health resort hospital dedicated to salt therapy.
In 1985 the Institute of Balneology, in collaboration with the salt cavers from Uzhgorod, developed the first Halotherapy device. This was a device that replicated the grinding and crushing of salt that would disperse the particles into the air. One could say that Halotherapy was “born” in the medical environment. 


Whilst Halotherapy is relatively new in the UK, it has been widely used in Eastern Europe since the 1980’s and slowly since that time the rest of the world has started to see the value of this form of therapy. In 2007, in Pakistan, within the Khewra Salt Mines, a 20 bed clinic was established to help with respiratory illnesses. It was also around this time that Halotherapy started to enter the SPA industries and Salt therapy rooms made their way into the Western world.



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