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Meet the Team

Lynn and Natasha have always had a passion for treating their animals from the inside out. Believing you should treat the whole, not just the symptom.

From personal experience over the years they have found that conditions can often be improved significantly by looking at what you are putting into your animals body to support it’s natural healing abilities, rather than simply reaching for a quick fix ‘lotion or potion’ that treats the symptom but not necessarily the cause.


The therapies they offer are complementary rather than alternative. This means you can use them alongside any conventional veterinarian treatment your animal may be receiving. You will never be advised to stop or reduce any medication prescribed by your vet without first talking to them.


Natasha Hawkins


Owner of the successful full livery yard Kits Coty for 17 years, Natasha has been around horses all her life, competing ponies at top level show jumping, moving on to horses for a period of time and then owning a string of top level show jumping horses.

A true animal lover, she is well known for taking her horses to a show and coming back with not only a rosette, but yet another dog!

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Lynn Thomas-King ADipCT (VTCT)


Lynn is your typical everyday horse owner and, like many equestrians, has had her fair share of bumps along the way, metaphorically and literally speaking!

She describes her approach to animals as ‘gentle parenting’ and can often be found sitting in the stable or field chatting away to her two miniatures.

Lynn has been a complementary therapist for many years and her passion lies in healing, in whatever way shape or form is most appropriate for each of her clients.

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Elise Pilbeam-Leaver

Livery Yard Manager

Elise has recently returned back to kits Coty to run the livery side of the business. Elise brings with her a great wealth of experience having worked on competition yards such as Robert and Kate Whittaker, Jamie and David Wingrove and dressage yard Four Elms.

Having competed to a high level herself on the Junior Circuit. Elise now competes in senior BS alongside running the busy livery yard.

She is a kind and caring dedicated member of our team and keeps the yard in spotless condition as well as all the horses happy and content.

Elise is also known for taking her horses to a show and coming back with not only a rosette, but yet another dog!

Elise is qualified in:

BHS Safeguarding and child protection

BHS Equine first aid

BHS Safe ride

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