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Inappropriate or dangerous behaviour policy

The staff at Kits Coty Therapy Centre are highly experienced animal handlers. However, in the unlikely event that we consider that your animals’ behaviour is likely to cause injury, harm, or damage to any member of staff, visitor, or property we reserve the right to ask you to remove your animal from our premises immediately. Refunds will be at the discretion of the management team at Kits Coty Therapy Centre.


Our staff come to work to care for you and your animals, and it is important for all our staff and visitors to be treated with courtesy and respect. 

We have a zero tolerance policy. This means any aggressive or violent behaviour towards our staff, visitors or any animals within our premises will not be tolerated under any circumstances. You will be asked to leave our premises immediately and no refund will be issued.

Verbal abuse to members of staff or visitors will also not be tolerated either in person or over the telephone. You will be asked to leave our premises immediately and no refund will be issued.

We feel sure that you will understand that proper behaviour is absolutely necessary for staff, visitors and animals, and that non-observance will not be accepted.

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