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Chiropractic Treatment


What is it?

Chiropractic is a treatment that uses gentle manipulations and hand trust manoeuvres to restore functional motion within the spine, limb and pelvic area. It removes any nerve interference or faulty signalling which helps provide better brain / body communication and activates healthy muscle control.


Animals are prone to specific areas of imbalance and tension due injury or their breed disposition which may cause early on set arthritis and neurological compromise.

Just like us they develop bad habits and dysfunctional movement patterns when they run, jump, sit or lie down.


Certain injuries could cause compensation in movement/lameness which may cause more loading and strain in other areas of the body. 

Stiffness in movement, hesitancy when moving, lameness or behavioural change are all signs that your animal may need to be checked by a professional.


All chiropractic care is undertaken by fully qualified team members.


Equine chiropractic treatment is carried out by the team from London Equine Chiropractic Ltd owned by Dr. JB Garrone


Canine chiropractic treatment is undertaken by Dr. Brodie Marriott from Animals Aligned Limited.



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