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About us

Our mission is to help you, help your animals achieve optimum wellness from the inside out by working alongside other leading professionals to deliver the very best in affordable, natural, drug free therapies.


Lynn and Natasha have always had a passion for treating their animals from the inside out. Believing you should treat the whole, not just the symptom.


From personal experience over the years they have found that conditions can often be improved significantly by looking at what you are putting into your animals body to support it’s natural healing abilities, rather than simply reaching for a quick fix ‘lotion or potion’ that treats the symptom but not necessarily the cause.


Relaxation is the foundation that supports good digestion, strong immunity, circulation, mental health, and healing. And, as passionate animal owners they understand that, like them, you want only the very best treatments approved and delivered by experts in their field.


They have carried out extensive research to ensure they can deliver just that, in a safe, secure, and tranquil environment.


Our small animal salt chamber is the first of its kind in the UK.


Designed to look and feel like a living room your animal will instantly relax.

The lighting in the room has been specially selected to aide your pets relaxation, there is a large, comfortable dog bed, comfortable chairs for you to relax in, blankets for you and your pet to use and even music especially designed to aid relaxation in small animals. We have found that even the most highly strung breeds relax within minutes and many fall asleep, as do their owners!


Our equine salt chamber has been designed to look and feel exactly like a normal stable.


With an abundance of natural light in our large, airy stable there is no chance your horse will feel claustrophobic, and there is no scary salt machine in there for your horse to spook at.


Most equine salt therapy takes place in a horse box and, whilst that may feel convenient, your horse will have elevated levels of adrenaline whilst in there as they will be expecting the horse box to move at any moment.

Many horses will feel confined, they won’t be able to move around freely and most importantly, wont’ be able to relax.


The halotherapy machines we use are the only medically certified machines of their kind in the UK. They are the same machines installed in yards owned by international showjumpers, eventers, prestigious race yards around the globe and world-renowned vets Baker McVeigh.


Experts that truly care


Our chiropractic and Thalassothereapy treatments are carried out by experts in their field, personally selected by Lynn and Natasha not just for their expertise, but also their affinity with animals.



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